CelestronImages.com (v.2.1)

CelestronImages.com is an online image sharing community dedicated to the hobby of astro and terrestrial photography.  This website is an integral part of social marketing strategy for Celestron, the leading manufacturer of telescopes and other optics.

Conceived and executed by GammaFX, this project allows Celestron to engage the users of their product by providing a unique platform for sharing astrophotography.  The photography and comments contributed by users are in turn being leveraged to promote the hobby of astrophotography and Celestron’s optical instruments. The community is also design to be a collaborative environment that allows users to hone in their skills with the help of their peers.

With version 2.1 GammaFX introduced several key elements designed increase viral and social exposure of CelestronImages.com.

  • Interactive Embeddable Slideshows that allow users to add (or embed) any set of images to their webpage or blog.  Each image in the slideshow links back to CelestronImages.com pages as well as product pages on main Celestron website.
  • The latest version of the site also includes a robust contest engine that allows users enter their images into various contests on the website.
  • Integration of Twitter API that allows to generate automatic Tweets updating subscribers of CelestronImages Twitter Feed of all new activity.
  • Sharing tools for easy publishing of images to external social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and others

We also produced a short video overview of the key features of the new website.